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Mirage™ FX for Her Nasal Mask

Designed for women, the Mirage™ FX for Her Nasal Mask features a smaller fit range with pink styling and hair management options. Offering the perfect balance of sophisticated design and easy functionality, the Mirage™ FX for Her Nasal Mask weighs just 2.6 ounces and is comprised of only four parts, making it intuitive, quick to set up and simple for patients to clean and reassemble.Features & Benefits:- Softedge™ headgear is flexible and breathable, improving comfort and support- Featuring soft, contoured edges, it's designed to be kind to the face- Frame is slender and lightweight, but still provides a secure, stable fit- Flex-wing forehead support allows for a dynamic fit without contacting the skin- Quick-release elbow allows detachment of mask from the device without having to remove mask, allowing getting out of bed when needed and easily reconnecting to device after returning

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Product Number 167

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